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Avoid Disaster Striking at your Event with our 5 Effective Strategies

When it comes to live events, you cannot begin to envisage the unknown after all it’s out of your control. Events are hard to predict, you never know what curveballs may be thrown into the works. This means, there’s always the chance that things could go wrong, or horribly wrong, so the general consensus is […]

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Exhibiting is back. Take your business offline.

Never underestimate the power of exhibiting, especially now in this digital age. With so many companies operating their businesses online, exhibitions now provide the added novelty, enabling you to meet potential customers face-to-face. Exhibiting is more important than ever. Companies like yours are putting more time and money into exhibiting than they have ever done […]

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5 ways to STAND out from the crowd

While, previously, exhibitions were a great way to escape from day-to-day meetings, admin, and office based tasks, today all attendance must be justified. It’s no longer enough for exhibitors just to show up to one of the 1.3 million business events held across the UK every year with an average-looking pop-up stand and hope for […]

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