
Tradeshow planning timelines

There are a number of phases to planning your tradeshow appearances and for many, this begins way in advance of the actual event. From planning your strategy through to organising your team on the day, there’s always something to be done and organised. To help make the process smooth, we’ve put together a typical timeline […]

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The golden rules of exhibition stand design

The key to any tradeshow is, of course, having a killer display. Styles, colours and lighting can all be the difference between your stand drawing in the crowds or fading unobtrusively into the background. There are a few golden rules to bear in mind when planning your event stand: 1. Have one strong, clear message […]

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Tradeshow metrics for measuring success

If you and your team have invested a huge amount of time and money into marketing through a tradeshow or exhibition, it makes sense to invest some more time into establishing whether it was a worthwhile exercise or not. For many, their first and often last stop for measuring success is a list of contact […]

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The benefits of exhibition marketing

Splitting your marketing budget across activities can be a difficult task. Weighing up the pros and cons of each channel is tough, especially when gaining leads is the priority. This is often when cost comes into play and when event marketing is written off with the perceived costs of showcasing being too high. Although taking […]

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How to make sure your exhibition team sees success

The day of the exhibition has arrived, your stand looks great and it all rests on you and your team on the ground. Here’s 15 quick, sure-fire ways to make your exhibition experience successful. 1. Arrive early and dress appropriately Run through the final checks, get your pitch perfect and look the part. You’ll feel […]

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